in the world's
second-largest economy
Directly Trade Hong Kong Stocks and China Stock Connect

Diversify your portfolio with exposure to high-growth markets

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Direct way to invest in Chinese companies
Commissions start at 0.03% of trade value (minimum $15).
More control in what you invest in Explore the high growth small caps
Gain access to a whole new market
Discover the gateway to China's dynamic economy and diversify your portfolio with Hong Kong stocks and ETFs. The world-class market offers cross-border connectivity, innovative listing standards, and robust regulatory frameworks for a secure and rewarding investment experience, making it the best place for international investors looking to invest in Chinese companies.
What is the HK trading market?
China Connect empowers international investors with direct access to the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, enabling seamless trading of A-shares with fewer restrictions. Seize the opportunity to invest in Chinese companies that resonate with your knowledge and interests.
What is China Connect?
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Why Invest in the Hong Kong and China Markets?
Diversify Your Portfolio Geographically
Invest in Innovation with Technology,Manufacturing and Energy
Tap Into a Massive Consumer Market